1- No Poverty
Here are the actions taken by the Université de Montréal to fight poverty.
Employee Compensation
Living wage in Montreal (based on a family of four) : $18/hour
Information provided by the Institut de recherche et d’informations socio-économiques: https://iris-recherche.qc.ca/publications/revenu-viable-2023/
Percentage of the Université de Montréal’s employees who receive a living wage (excluding benefits) : 100%
Percentage of the living wage provided to the institution’s lowest paid employees : 125%
Description of the minimum total compensation provided to the University’s lowest paid employees
The first level of class 1 technicians are the lowest paid employees at the University. They are members of the Syndicat des employé·e·s de l’Université de Montréal 1244. According to their collective agreement, they have the right to the following benefits :
● Group insurance (health, dental, life, accident)
● Pension plan
● Tuition waivers (for themselves and their family)
The collective agreement is publicly available here : https://rh.umontreal.ca/fileadmin/ressourceshumaines/documents/conventions_et_ententes/Convention_collective_1244.pdf#page=149
The University’s STARS report card on employee compensation :https://reports.aashe.org/institutions/university-of-montreal-qc/report/2022-12-23/PA/wellbeing-work/PA-12/
Food Bank
The Université de Montréal’s food bank is an independent organization led by students dedicated to fight food insecurity. It relies solely on the generosity of student volunteers, its funding scholarships and its supplier, Moisson Montréal. The food bank operates every Monday during regular business hours in the University’s main cafeteria.
For more information: www.baudem.ca
Improving Access to Basic Services
Each year, the Université de Montréal launches a fundraising campaign for Centraide, a local charity that fights poverty and social exclusion. The funds raised have a lasting impact on the living conditions of vulnerable people.
For more information : www.umontreal.ca/universite-citoyenne/centraide/