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4- Quality Education

Photo livre et crayon.

Here are the actions that UdeM and its community are implementing for quality education.


Student Educators Program

Number of students enrolled for credit and served by a peer-to-peer sustainability outreach and education program :

47,125 (percentage : 100 %)


Student educators program :

Eco-leaders (volunteering students) provide leadership related to sustainability issues within their immediate community. They are active members of a wider network of people particularly challenged by these topics and willing to be carriers of solutions. Eco-leaders become sort of liaisons between the central actors of sustainable development on campuses and the university community at large. They often address the problems they encounter and share them with central players in a two-way exchange, as part of an inspiring and positive approach.

Examples of activities produced by the eco-leaders :

  • all-year around events (DIY workshops, fairtrade outreach activities)
  • projects (picking up cigarette butts, caractirization of food wastes)
  • waste management outreach
  • sustainability dozen events (march of each year)in collaboration with the Student Associations Federation (FAECUM).

Number of trained student educators : 25

Number of weeks the student educators program is active annually : 52

Average or expected number of hours worked weekly per trained student educator : 2

Total number of hours worked annually by trained student educators : 700


The targets audience :

All students on campus can participate in the program or benefit from it through the proposed projects by applying to eco-leaders. No activities are limited to a particular faculty or service.

Website URL where information about the student educators program is available :

Open Access to Research

The Papyrus Institutional Repository has been in existence since 2005 and has since then hosted theses and dissertations from UdeM students, publications from UdeM faculty and some of its affiliated centres, as well as collections.

The Papyrus repository will be used as part of the future institutional policy on open access.The Papyrus Institutional Repository has been in existence since 2005 and has since then hosted theses and dissertations from UdeM students, publications from UdeM faculty and some of its affiliated centres, as well as collections.

The Papyrus repository will be used as part of the future institutional policy on open access.


Website URL where the open access repository is available:


The University of Montreal manages Erudit (created in 1998), a Quebec inter-university consortium whose main mission is to disseminate and promote the results of scholarly research, mainly in the human and social sciences. The platform makes available the content of more than 200 scholarly journals.


Educational Outreach Activities

Our university builds bridges with the community through a variety of projects. For example, Cap Campus is a project that welcomes our university's students to local high schools, where they interact with young students, and encourage them to finish high school and pursue a university education. The interactions take the form of programmed and ad hoc lectures and workshops.

For more information: