14- Life below Water

Many of the Université de Montréal’s researchers are members of the Interuniversity Research Group in Limnology, a research group that conduct research on freshwater, its ecosystem and the problems that threaten its integrity.
GRIL: Interuniversity research group in limnology
The GRIL’s mission
● Facilitate novel and cutting-edge research on freshwater by answering fundamental questions and paradigms about the aquatic sciences and by studying local and regional problems associated with climatic and environmental change, including those related to human activities
● Serve as a platform to stimulate synergy and collaboration among its members
● Provide easy access to high-level infrastructure and technical resources
● Train highly qualified personnel to ensure that they are equipped to rise to the future challenges in their research area
The GRIL’s objectives
● Assist its members and the various actors engaged in Quebec’s freshwaters to study complex questions related to aquatic ecosystems, from the local to the global scale, by enabling integrated approaches, the collaboration of researchers from multiple disciplines and the use of cutting-edge technologies
● Promote the professional and academic development of its members, especially new researchers, and facilitate their integration within national and international research networks
● Offer members and their collaborators access to services, human resources and major infrastructure that are essential to achieve their research goals, including specialized analytical laboratories, research stations and the research vessel Lampsilis
● Train researchers and highly qualified personnel by offering students and postdocs the opportunity to work in a dynamic and stimulating environment
● Ensure the dissemination and transfer of knowledge to the potential users of research results
For more information : https://oraprdnt.uqtr.uquebec.ca/portail/gscw031?owa_no_site=543&owa_no_fiche=91&owa_bottin=